
Synonyms of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

This standard work on the Hebrew synonyms of the Old Testament is unique in its field and has served as a handbook for theological students for more than a century. The studies are topical in nature, dealing with the leading topics of religious thought. By means of the Septuagint, the author explains the relation of corresponding words used in the New Testament. The Scripture is at all times...

the child of God. His structure is of soil, earth-born, allied with all physical existence, and subjected to the laws of light, heat, electricity, gravitation, and such like, as much as if it were so many atoms of vegetable or mineral matter. But the immaterial existence which permeates that structure, investing it with consciousness, flooding it with sensibilities, illuminating it with understanding, enabling it to plan, to forecast, to will, to rule, to make laws, to sympathise, to love—this ego,
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